Wednesday, September 12, 2018

HappyUP!!! Day 4433

HappyUP!!! - Peach Tree
Why it happened - we did a road trip
Why it makes me happy - been awhile since I went to this venerable old gem.  Didn't hit it that great but "did my thing," and scraped out a low net for the group. 

HappyUP!!! - super stretch
Why it happened - I am trying to get in habit
Why it makes me happy - I got out of that rigarmortis for this guy...popped up on the range and just started bangin em! What a time saver! Plus, it is a positive start to the range session

HappyUP!!! - appreciation of brilliance
Why it happened - something overcame me
Why it makes me happy - I just get more fascinated by how things work...and how fortunate I am.

HappyUP!!! - windshield time
Why it happened -Peach Tree
Why it makes me happy- good dude to hang around with. Great car convos.

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