HappyUP!!! - pot roast
Why it happened - I got out the apron
Why it makes me happy - oh....come on.....do we even need to go there. Just the SMELL of pot roast makes everyone happy......carrots nice and tender......definite in the running for number one comfort food dish
HappyUP!!! - the leaf scooper
Why it happened - my city is great about this
Why it makes me happy - I happened to be home when I saw the tractor that picks up piles of leaves in the neighborhood. I was able to hop out into the yard and get a significant pile of leaves on to the street.....and immediately on the way for composting. I at least avoided one pile sitting in front of my house for days this year. The Scooperman gave me a big "thumbs up" too. It put a smile on my face.
HappyUP!!! - connecting with my best friend
Why it happened - I shot him a message
Why it makes me happy - while it's not a need of mine, it's always nice to know how highly people think of you.
Meeting new canine friends
Nice walk
The smell of that pot roast all day
Connecting with my BF
Lots of "those" phone calls done
Leaf scooper
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