Wednesday, November 16, 2011

HappyUP!!! Day 1749

HappyUP!!! - delivering on short notice
Why it happened - we had some no shows
Why it makes me happy - it's always great when you can not only fill in....but create some "wow's"

HappyUP!!! - "drunk monkeys"
Why it happened - I heard it mentioned
Why it makes me happy - I had never heard that term before.....but I got the person's vernacular when they said it.....and it cracked me up.....perfect term (that I will be stealing)

------c' can you look at that little face and not go, "HappyUP!!!"

HappyUP!!! - wiper blades
Why it happened - Winter is coming
Why it makes me happy - I go into Kragen and ask the guy for the right replacement blades. He asks me the usual make and model question. Then, he says, "do you want me to put them on?" Now, I am QUITE capable of putting on wiper blades....but I don't do it everyday. It took him all of 2 minutes....TOPS. I would not have beat that. AWESOME customer service!!!

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