Sunday, November 06, 2011

HappyUP!!! Day 1739

HappyUP!!! - great dinner
Why it happened - I was invited
Why it makes me happy - it was a tough day today (see next HappyUP!!). It was nice to be able to spend the evening with my tribe. It was EXACTLY what I needed! Love my little hot Italian!

HappyUP!!! - taking care of an unpleasant task
Why it happened - it was inevitable
Why it makes me happy - NOBODY ever wants to do this....very tough. Yet, one of the things that makes it tough is how fortunate I have been. While a sad thing to do, it is now done....and, for that, I am very appreciative and grateful

HappyUP!!! - help with the above
Why it happened - someone cares a lot about me
Why it makes me happy - I could have done this alone...I was ready and willing to. It was a great relief to get a ride....assistance....and comfort. Very lucky, I am! Not only is she a hot Italian....but very sensitive as well....siiiiiiggggghhhhhh.


An extra hour
Early morning duty
Taking care of an unpleasant task
Lovely fall day

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