Thursday, November 03, 2011

HappyUP!!! Day 1736

HappyUP!!! - cabbage soup
Why it happened - I made some the other day
Why it makes me happy - I love this dish....especially when the weather turns. Low in calories...big in flavor....lots of good things in there. Added brussel sprouts this time around.....and they are FAB.

HappyUP!!! - double dog duty
Why it happened - helping out
Why it makes me happy - two successful trips....mission accomplished both times. Me and the furry one REALLY got a leg stretch on later in the day.

HappyUP!!! - bad news
Why it happened - I got some information
Why it makes me happy - it was not the news I was hoping for......but it was what I was expecting. The good about it is that at least now.....I KNOW. KNOWING allows one to DO what needs to be done.


Dog walk
Great sleep
Fall weather
Great day in the markets
Cabbage soup
No cold
Bad news.....but it is for the best

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