Monday, June 09, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 498

HappyUP!!! - dinner
Why it happened - I got an invitation
Why it makes me happy - the food was good and the company was enjoyable. That's just good living there.

HappyUP!!! - call from former employee
Why it happened - the person had a question
Why it makes me happy - it feels good when I can answer a question with a better answer than what this person, we'll probably go to lunch this week.

HappyUP!!! - e-mail from former employee
Why it happened - we stay in touch
Why it makes me happy - I keep learning things.........and they make me darn glad that I am retired! I also like my former employee's being friends. I hope it stays that way forever.


Call from former employee
Dealing with a stock transfer
Dealing with a county worker

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