Monday, May 12, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 470...Welcome to Monday!

<-------Hey, before we do today's HappyUP!!! installment, take a moment to take in my neighbor's flowers....absolutely brilliant!!!

HappyUP!!! - meeting with a recruit
Why it happened - he called me and wanted to meet today
Why it makes me happy - I was able to give him some true unbiased advice. I have no affiliation at the moment. Sometimes, the best advice is to stay put, look for the flowers in your own garden (not your neighbors), and wait to see what happens

<-----speaking of one's own flowers, mine are looking pretty darn good as well. It's a beautiful thing HappyUP!!! - meeting with my advisor
Why it happened - it was time for an annual review
Why it makes me happy - he gave me some news that was pretty much along what I had planned.....and some valuable other insights that I need.

HappyUP!!! - a clean car
Why it happened - I had a leisurely morning before a couple of appointments
Why it makes me happy - doesn't your car run better when it is clean?

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