Monday, May 05, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 463

- finding some good scripture
Why it happened - I opened my friend's blog
Why it made me happy - it didn't really teach me just sent me a sign reinforcing what I already know. It's good to have reinforcement......and it came at the funniest of times.

HappyUP!!! - finding a list
Why it happened - I looked
Why it makes me happy - do you know that feeling you get when you look...and look...and look...but you can't find that thing you are after? (If not, it happens to those of those that store "useful info" for later). Just when I was about to give up, I found it.

HappyUP!!! - words from friends
Why it happened - I got a call...and an e-mail
Why it makes me happy - they were spelling out some things that I didn't see.....having one's vision cleared is always a HappyUP!!!

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