Wednesday, May 07, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 465

HappyUP!!! - lunch with a friend
Why it happened - I didn't get to say goodbye when I left work
Why it makes me happy - I got him settled down and convinced that things will be fine.

HappyUP!!! - lunch on the river
Why it happened - it was the venue I chose
Why it made me happy - there was a point during our lunch on the Sacramento River with a slight breeze blowing as we overlooked the water when I said, "dude, do you realize that you could wander the entire planet right now.....and there is not a more perfect spot to be than we are sitting right now." Absolutely gorgeous.

HappyUP!!! - made some headway
Why it happened - I took a minor moment
Why it made me happy - I have a junk room out back. It's probably not as scary as yours but there is plenty of clutter there. Rather than make it a project, I decided I would take 15 minutes of micro-movements and make some progress. I don't know what it is about clutter and I.....I just can't keep it out! I'll attack again tomorrow.

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