Saturday, April 22, 2006

Sometimes I Look Things Up....

It's not that I don't know what they mean. I just want to see if certain words are a word, more than one word, or if the dictionary really says it is a word. Now, I am going to keep using the word(s) no matter what. No one made Mr Webster the word god. If I say a word and you know what it means, it's a word. So today's word is:


as in, "what's all the hubbub about?" Have you ever spelled "hubbub"? I hadn't until I typed this entry. I honestly didn't know that there were two "b"'s between the "u"'s. See, you learn something everyday.

Hubbub - noise, uproar, confusion, turmoil

It is a real word in the dictionary. Now let's break this down a bit farther to the roots.

Hub - the center part of a circular object. A center of activity. A focal point.

- fellow, buddy. Used in informal address. "Hey Bub, did you see Nutter's Notes? That dude had an awesome post today." (Incidentally, I hear this all of the time.)

So, when we put the two together and form one word - we realize......uh.....well....hmmm...... that there is absolutely no correlation to the two root words when you put them together to form one word!!!!

I marvel at people who come here and learn our language.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LoL. Yep.. American English- the language so screwed up it's amazing we can even understand each other.

(Speaking as someone who took History of the English Language -BORING- for her Bachelors in Secondary English degree)
