A year ago on Easter Sunday - I was up early. Scurrying around. Packing up my music gear. Get to our place of worship by 8 (maybe even earlier...because we might have done two services on that Sunday). Meet the crew. We all start setting up. Rushing. We were no different than a bunch of roadies setting up for a rock concert. It was a job. None of us complained because it was all because we were "serving the Lord." As I reflect back, there is no way to tell whether we brought anyone closer to Christ that day. Maybe we did...maybe we didn't.
Flash forward to this morning - I'm down at Pacific Street Cafe celebrating Easter and having breakfast. I'm by myself. I start to reflect on the comparison between this Easter and the last. Since last Easter, we dismantled our Institutional Church structure and went to Home Churches...Simple Church as we call it. My Simple Church meets on Tuesday nights so it's Easter and I have nowhere to go. I thought about visiting a Sunday service. And then it hit me, "Why?" This is a day to remind us and appreciate that Jesus died on the cross for our sins (of course, a Christ follower can pick every day to be reminded of that....whole different story there). Why do I have to "go" somewhere to do that?
Jesus died for our sin - I thought about that statement. Christians and Christ followers have been saying that forever. I remembered when I first starting taking a look into this Christ fellow and people kept saying, "Christ died for our sins." I didn't get it. So, I asked someone. He said, "Christ's death cancelled out your sin debt." While a bit more explanatory, it had a ring of accusation and legalism that kind of went, "....and brother you have a bunch to be cancelled out." While I have found that to be true, at the time, it sounded a bit like another church Jesus freak baggin on me because he is so holier than thou. While I am sure it is not what the person intended, based on my knowledge of Christ at the time, that is what it felt like.
So today, I am thinking about - what Jesus dying for my sin to cancel out my sin debt really means. Then, "EUREKA!!!"....
The Bank of Jesus Christ - let's take a concept that we are all familiar with. A bank and debt...money/credit debt. Let's suppose for a minute that every bank stopped and said, "Hey, today we are going to FORGIVE every single penny that everyone owes us!" I know. It's crazy...hang with me here. Obviously, the bank would be rupt immediately (Bank-rupt...get it? HaHaHA...had to throw in that funny). Let's just say that they decided to do it. All debt is forgiven. The only condition is that you have to abstain from using credit or getting a loan again. Now, if it was a Catholic bank, they may add, "and if you do, we will send Father Guido to take you on a visit to the harbor. We'll even give you some nice,new concrete shoes for your trip." Just kidding.....I love my Catholic friends despite some of the guilt that gets imposed around that particular branch of Christianity. And, no, the Catholics don't have a copyright on using that frailty of human nature to hang over people's heads. They are just the biggest so they are more fun to play with.
Anyway...back to our story - upon hearing the news that all of our monetary shortfalls are forgiven, we would all breathe a sigh of relief. Our shoulders would relax. Many would rejoice. We would have dancing in the streets. People would be buying each other drinks!!!...
...and a good many of us - would go right out and put those drinks on our credit card. How could we do such a thing?
We would do it -Because we are human. Left to our own, it is what we do. It's why we can't be left to our own. It's why Jesus is available to us. He is there to save us from ourselves and our own behaviors that destroy us without us even knowing it.
Jesus isn't Guido - yet he did the same thing that our bank did when they forgave the credit debt. But, He went so much farther for us. All the bank did was go out of business. Christ literally said, "all of the sins that you have accumulated, put them on my shoulders. I will take them with me and they will leave when I leave on that cross. I am strong enough to carry them all. I only have one thing to request of you and that it is that you sin no more." While He didn't go out of business, to anyone that saw The Passion of the Christ, His suffering was much worse than just closing up shop.
No, Jesus isn't Guido - because he died knowing that you would still sin. He knew you would go back on your promise. He is God. He is the only One that has the ability to go sin free. He put us all on the honor system. It's not up to me or you to define what sin is for other people. Sure, I can point out some of the things that are sinful. Believe me, I don't have far to look!!! Jesus' only request was that you sin no more....but He knows you are still going to sin.
So, for this Easter, in honor of the Perfect Banker - can we reduce our sin debt? He is still there. He rose again on Easter Sunday to tell everyone that He is with you every single day. The Bank of Jesus Christ is open 24/7 everyday of the year. He is begging you....for goodness sakes, that's an understatement....he died to tell you, "give me your sin. You will feel better. When you feel better, you will willingly want to give me your next sin. Yes, I know you may not feel better right away but after the pain of giving a piece of that sin away is gone, I will go in and fill that hole that was created...if you'll let me. This is all I want for you."
The Bank of Jesus Christ -
I met with the Manager today. He is a wonderful guy. I don't recall seeing Him last year as I sat in that service. It was more like I was standing out in the crowded lobby. I don't know how many transactions were conducted. Frankly, it's none of my business. I only know that I walked out of the bank without seeing the Banker. I always figure that, if I do something, there are probably others that do the same thing too.
The Bank of Jesus Christ - it's a solid institution fully worthy of my faith and trust. The customer service is excellent. If you have sin, you qualify to receive that service. The only question is whether you are willing to be a customer that wants to be serviced.