Monday, January 14, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4557

HappyUP!!! -Kings Game
Why it happened -I was invited
Why it makes me happy - great seats with a buddy of mine. More importantly, a Kings victory over a tough opponent! The crowd goes home happy!

HappyUP!!! - On Line courses/lectures
Why it happened - I was driving
Why it makes me happy - I don’t do a lot of windshield time anymore. A perfect opportunity to sneak in a couple of opportunities to learn. I received some great insights into the topics of personal best and to the art/science /psychology around smiling. Interesting stuff

HappyUP!!! - Pizza
Why it happened - I was at the Kings game
Why it makes me happy - my first slice of the year! It was a BIG slice! The pizza was from Sellands and, though pepperoni, the crust had a lightness to it. I didn’t get that “gut bomb bloat” you can get from even a thin crust pie.  I LOVE pizza SOOOOO’s why I don’t have it very often!


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