Friday, November 19, 2010

HappyUP!!! Day 1390

HappyUP!!! - relaxing day at home
Why it happened - felt like the first wintry/wintery day
Why it makes me happy - nice day to take off from the links....catch up on some paperwork... laundry....and stuff....with a fire going....great day to be inside

HappyUP!!! - good conversations
Why it happened - my friends
Why it makes me happy - good stuff going on all around me

HappyUP!!! - a brisk morning walk
Why it happened - I HAD to walk this morning
Why it makes me happy - while I hate to see the end of shorts season, it's time. The breeze and chill felt a little different was like a whisper.....portending the rain that has now set upon us....that old man winter may be upon us.


Relaxing day at home
Enjoying the rain
A brisk morning walk
Heartfelt exchange
Good news from my buddy re: evening plans

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