Tuesday, February 26, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4600

HappyUP!!! - spreading a little sunshine                            
Why it happened - a friend was having a tough one
Why it makes me happy - “never miss an opportunity to make someone’s day” ...I don’t know if I heard that somewhere or it just came to me today. Well, I did the best that I could today

HappyUP!!! - more guests
Why it happened - invites and the internet
Why it makes me happy - we may have to cap our membership! WOW!!! I can’t believe that I just said that! Been doing this for a long time. We draw them in and they join. We must be pretty attractive

HappyUP!!! - tax day
Why it happened - it happens every year
Why it makes me happy - OK...so THAT didn’t go as I had planned!...AT ALL!!!...and not in an advantageous way. Yet...it’s a pretty nice problem to have....even though I thought I was done paying for entire bombs after I retired!

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