Sunday, February 03, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4577

HappyUP!!! - SuperBORE                          
Why it happened - it’s a tradition
Why it makes me happy I actually ended up watching ONE football game this year. I guess it was a good one. I don’t know. I guess if you like punting! It just edified my position that the Church of the NFL is no place for me to be worshipping. It wasn’t a great spend of time. Lesson learned and that is ALWAYS a HappyUP!!!

HappyUP!!! - tracking commercials
Why it happened - boring game
Why it makes me happy - I had this pre-planned anyway. People say they watch the SB for the commercials...and for the entertainment value. I don’t think there was much of that yesterday. At X million a slot, I think you would want to get a message across. I decided to categorize each commercial as it came up. This provided me a bit of insight in to the economy, who was advertising, which sectors, and the possible “why’s” of it.  I may write a piece here for that. 

HappyUP!!! - finding the right stuff for someone
Why it happened - I have a bag of tricks
Why it makes me happy - I “give permission AND ENCOURAGEMENT as you sojourn this orb.” See....look’s right there in the title. When I do that for someone, it is the deepest HappyUP!!! that I can experience. 

HappyUP!!! - leftover stew
Why it happened -a guy has to eat
Why it makes me happy- what a WONDERFUL meal to have for  a rainy football day.  Vegetarian stew that has a wallop!!! Just perfect!!!


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