Thursday, November 08, 2012

HappyUP!!! Day 2117

HappyUP!!! - raingear and an umbrella
Why it happened - I use multiple forecast
Why it makes me happy - I wasn't going to go out today. I was persuaded by my "big group" to do so. "It's not going to rain today...."...uh...not so much....I have now installed myself as chief meteorologist for this group

HappyUP!!! - 4 iron in the rain
Why it happened - skills
Why it makes me happy - it was pouring...wind...and this was a tough shot...and I just stuck it

HappyUP!!! - finishing 9
Why it happened - a point
Why it makes me happy - as the 2nd group was driving in their golf carts (while I was a walker) past us while we were playing up.....I was proud to say to self, "'s raining....and I hate the rain...and I told you guys it would....but....I WILL finish!" It's how I roll....commit and complete.

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