Monday, November 05, 2012

HappyUP!!! Day 2114

HappyUP!!! - haircut
Why it happened - it needs hair grows
Why it makes me happy - everytime I go....tho hair is thinning....I am amazed how my stylist is keeping me from "shaving it." Shaving is my only choice.....I'd be good with that...done it before....just not ready for permanent adoption. I guess I could think about a "bad hat"......but....I'm not that vain. I actually probably look better bald

HappyUP!!! - yard work
Why it happened - I do that a bit
Why it makes me happy - nice to tidy up a bit

HappyUP!!! - revelation
Why it happened - events
Why it makes me happy - one has their personal constitution challenged on occasion. My constitution made what could be a tough decision very easy today.

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