Wednesday, April 30, 2008

HappyUP!!! Day 458

HappyUP!!! - my friend's website
Why it happened - I looked it up
Why it makes me happy - my friend doesn't post that I don't check it very often. I definitely got what he was saying today (well....he said it over a week ago but I just saw it!)

HappyUP!!! - my lunch appointment
Why it happened - it's a business thing that needs to
Why it makes me happy - I didn't like the content of the meeting. This is the way business is. The content was no HappyUP!!!.....but it needed to happen. It happened. Questions were answered. Uncertainty was cleared up. The business relationship is better defined

HappyUP!!! - phone call
Why it happened - the timing was a fluke
Why it makes me happy - one of my employees called and thanked me out of nowhere the help that I had given. The employee didn't need to do that. The timing was eerily precise for when I needed to hear it. The thanks was great.....the timing was off the charts.

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