Wednesday, September 02, 2015

HappyUP!!! Day 3404

HappyUP!!! - doing some noodling
Why it happened - just came across stuff
Why it makes me happy - figured out the structure to some of my old tunes long forgotten

HappyUP!!! - Whole Foods
Why it happened - I was hungry
Why it makes me happy - what a GREAT place to have some lunch!!!

HappyUP!!! - clean windshield
Why it happened - put together a new solution
Why it makes me happy - OK...I'll say it....I HATE to clean the inside of my windshield. It was, however, a breeze today and....MAN....what a difference.  It's just like a new and fresh perspective on life! There are benefits to letting things get  a little messy. It makes you appreciate when they are cleaned up!

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