Saturday, July 21, 2012

HappyUP!!! Day 2007

Can you imagine the fun you could have?

HappyUP!!! - brekko
Why it happened - it was prepared for me
Why it makes me happy - morning time.......siiiiiggggggghhhhhh

HappyUP!!! - great conversation
Why it happened - see above brekko entry
Why it makes me happy - I LOVE talking about REAL things.....really important things. It draws us closer

HappyUP!!! - kicking it in
Why it happened - I finally found it
Why it makes me happy - had a little disorganization before team play today. I was off.  I came on strong at the end....playing the last 5 holes at a foreign course one under par. Yeah....the hole dug was too high to climb out of.......but never "phoned it in" and put the grind on to the bitter end

HappyUP!!! - swimming
Why it happened - he's home!!!
Why it makes me happy - so great to have the family back intact


Delicious breakfast
Making my tee time
Last 4 holes kicking it in
Time on the road
British Open
A new partner to play with

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