Sunday, February 19, 2012

HappyUP!!! Day 1854

HappyUP!!! - a factory tour
Why it happened - had time on my hands
Why it makes me happy - beautiful weather....interesting time....just a nice day

HappyUP!!! - delicious brekko
Why it happened - a guy has to eat
Why it makes me happy - I love brekko out........but brekko is as easy to be better than out having it at home......yep.....that was IT on this Sunday morning

HappyUP!!! - gorgeous weather
Why it happened - it's weather
Why it makes me happy - we would have had fun no matter what.......but......when the weather is soooooo makes it soooo much better


Delicious brekko
A factory tour
Gorgeous weather
Nice day for a drive

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