Thursday, October 13, 2011

HappyUP!!! Day 1715

HappyUP!!! - rototilling
Why it happened - recent rains
Why it makes me happy - I like to "turn it under" for the winter planting. Usually, it means lots of dust. Not today due to recent rains. Ahhhhh....the smell of the soil....beautiful in it's moistness....I love the moistness.

HappyUP!!! - award submission
Why it happened - I stopped by my buddy's office
Why it makes me happy - this guy wasn't in my class in high or two down..but we have become such GREAT friends through Toastmasters. I was happy to use his equipment to submit for an important certification/designation

HappyUP!!! - a great link
Why it happened - thoughtfulness
Why it makes me happy - is the figure it out. Great introduction to a new band...with great old tunes. Love this band!


A great link
Great pooch time

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