Wednesday, November 27, 2019

HappyUP!!! Day 4976

HappyUP!!! - NOT golfing
Why it happened -I boycotted
Why it makes me happy -it just seemed to wet out there after last night....and I much preferred starting to get some stuff done. Lots of things coming up

HappyUP!!! -steak parvoir
Why it happened -I bought it
Why it makes me happy -GREAT dinner for tonight....and another plate of it is ready for Thanksgiving!

HappyUP!!! - new scale
Why it happened -I was noodling and YouTubing
Why it makes me happy -not sure where I will use this one...but it's really slick. Picked this up in a hurry

HappyUP!!! - Morning Pages
Why it happened - time to resurrect
Why it makes me happy - GREAT session this morning. LOVE these!!!

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