Thursday, January 18, 2018

HappyUP!!! Day 4245

HappyUP!!! - A radio bit
Why it happened - I was driving
Why it makes me happy - the two guys asked the third DJ, who was female, about the best way to talk/ask a woman about her weight. She basically said, "it's NOT to!" It just cracked me up

HappyUP!!! - getting squeezed in
Why it happened - I'm a highlight
Why it makes me happy - if you are a person someone looks forward to working with...that is a joy to their career...they will find places to plug you in

HappyUP!!! - eye doc
Why it happened - I do that annually
Why it makes me happy - all change of prescription. That's pretty cool news as one gets older...much more appreciated than in my youth.

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