Wednesday, January 17, 2018

HappyUP!!! Day 4244

HappyUP!!! - T time
Why it happened - we get together
Why it makes me happy - it was wonderful to be transparent today about something very  personal. T is the perfect person for that.

HappyUP!!! - JiffyPop
Why it happened -I was impetuous
Why it makes me happy - I never had kids. I am not sure I have EVER made JiffyPop myself. No, not the microwave kind, the kind you shake over the stove. It was great fun and playful....oh....and tasty too

HappyUP!!! - "close the shoulders"
Why it happened - I hit balls
Why it makes me happy - DD stopped by my stall and gave me a little "heads up." This is a GREAT thing that we golfers, at least observant ones, will do with our friends. It's so easy to get misaligned in this world.  Hmmmmmm......once imitates life! 

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