Monday, June 04, 2012

HappyUP!!! Day 1960

HappyUP!!! - tooth loss
Why it happened - it happens
Why it makes me happy - it's the first one for this special little girl that operates in the periphery

HappyUP!!! - drop off
Why it happened - I use my license
Why it makes me happy - some things that get said....whether intentionally or Freudian slips.....can really put a smile on the face

-----"Is it true I get paid by someone for this missing item?"

HappyUP!!! - rain
Why it happened - who knows
Why it makes me happy - 101 on Friday...90's Sat/Sun......and rain today without even making the 70's. I love zaniness!

HappyUP!!! - conjure
Why it happened - Words
Why it makes me happy - 111 points for one word ain't too shabby! I'm usually the one that gets that one dropped on me!


Great sleep
Great wakeup
Doing the drop off
Serendipitous photo editing

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