Saturday, December 23, 2006


Hey!!!...remember these guys? - I know you do.

I don't know if this is still - a required project to graduate from kindergarten or not but....

I made an amazing discovery - an adult can do this too!

Well...let me take that back - I can do this too may be a better way to put it.

Anyway - I'm not done with the project. I thought that I would just let you in on a little sneak peek at the action.

I also wanted to challenge you - to put on your creative thinking cap for last minute gift giving.

"Nutster, if someone gave me one of these and it wasn't my infant, I would break it right in front of them!" - hey.....your catching on quick.

"The Hand" is not the present - it's the wrapping!

Feliz Navidad - now go get to work on your Christmas masterpiece. If you need any more instruction on how to make these than what you can figure out from the picture, forgetaboutit.

The HappyUP! - the colorful HappyHands

Why it happened - I didn't/don't listen to people who thought/think that I am crazy and did it anyway

Why it makes me happy - I got to play in mushy stuff....use colorful paints....create something out of nothing.....and continue a Christmas condition of fun holiday wrapping. Hey, last year I wrapped in Ice so I am being a lot warmer this year.


paris parfait said...

I love this idea - good for you! And I sent you a card, but just in case it didn't arrive yet, wishing you a very Merry Christmas and the happiest of new years! xo

Ang said...

You wrapped in ice? How does that one work?

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

wouldn't it be great to have an entire wall of these... or a family tree on the wall of them... great idea