Friday, December 22, 2006

HappyUP!...My Mug

When I'm not hear entertaining the masses
- I have the privilege of overseeing a bunch of people in my day job. Yup...I am a supervisor/manager/leader/grand poohbah

So, it is that time of year when my immediate staff
- must go through the consternation of "whadowegetdaboss" for Christmas.

What they don't know - is that the privilege of having them work for me is plenty enough for this guy. Yet...

They amaze me - you see, I am tough to buy for. I do OK financially so, if I need something, I buy it. I also live pretty humbly. "May I live simply so others can simply live" (Ganhdi) is a quote that floats to my mind frequently.

So, today, I am greeted in the office - by one of my staff. She timidly brings me a bag and either said or was radiating the "I hope this is good enough" vibe.

As I reach into the bag
- and pull out the tissue wrapped content, I can tell immediately that it is a mug. In my mind, I go, "please tell me she is above giving me a 'I'm the Boss' type drinking vessel." Now, I am grateful for ANYTHING someone gives me and would have demonstrated this type of behavior no matter what I was about to de-tissue.

I pulled back the paper
- to reveal what you see here. Immediately, I was delighted.

Now, I can hear you say - "Nutster, the mugs OK but isn't delight a bit strong?"'s not - because I knew that this staff member has gotten involved in ceramics as part of her college curriculum. This mug only needed one thing to be perfect...

I turned it over and
- sure enough, there was the artist's initials inscribe right on the bottom.

I am the proud owner of a one of a kind - custom made mug just for me.

Life is Good
- and that was my first HappyUP of the day

The HappyUP - I got mugged

Why the HappyUP! happened - because someone gave

Why the HappyUP made me happy? - because I received something of value that you can't buy

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