Tuesday, September 29, 2020

HappyUP!! Day 5284

 HappyUP!!! - 3 speeches

Why it happened -we participate
Why it makes me happy -we got it done!...and had 5 Table Topics and 3 evaluations! THAT is a lot in 70 minutes. WOW

HappyUP!!! - a cooking segment
Why it happened -a creative Toastmaster
Why it makes me happy - it was a great thing to see. I would have preferred another camera angle but, hey, it is FINE

HappyUP!!! -hanging some stuff 
Why it happened -it needed to
Why it makes me happy -it was a bit of work...that I had put off.....which I am good at doing. Great to get this from "hanging over me" to "hanging where it belongs."

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