Monday, September 14, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5269

 HappyUP!!! - Mary Jane...guess that tune

Why it happened -a buddy sent it to me
Why it makes me happy -....and I shot it to friends after I re-did it. It's been awhile. I don't know if my friends enjoy this game...I should ask them...maybe not. I enjoy it!

HappyUP!!! -vulnerable friend
Why it happened -I probed
Why it makes me happy -I just love that I have a certain "touch" with people. It's's penetrating... not threatening....but it invites them to examine a crevice that they might not want to have shined a flashlight on...but...its OK....I got their hand. I LOVE that about me...that I can do that

HappyUP!!! - FB trash
Why it happened -I happened to be on that public toilet today
Why it makes me happy -....and...while I was there....why not share some "wisdom"...and videos of news I had seen.  FB is so laughable

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