Saturday, September 12, 2020

HappyUP!!! Day 5267

 HappyUP!!! - so many near holed out shots

Why it happened -skillz
Why it makes me happy - they didn't go in. The dudes I was playing with noticed. Most would be upset. Not means....I was skillful....and ....sometimes....that little fraction doesn't go your way....

HappyUP!!! -.....until it does
Why it happened -skillz
Why it makes me happy - I made a couple of INCREDIBLE sandy pars on 17 and 18 to save the day and keep the loss at.....ZERO!!! Now, why was I in those sand traps?....shush!....I got them up and down both times.

HappyUP!!! - nourishing my plants
Why it happened -I found the stuff
Why it makes me happy -I can't wait for harvest. I am putting the push on

HappyUP!!! - Angster
Why it happened -he was my partner
Why it makes me happy -I will miss him.......but....I live this guy....and...I am trying to hook him up on a deal

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