Saturday, June 15, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2325

HappyUP!!! - High Hand Nursery
Why it happened - GF and I needed brekko
Why it makes me happy- great little meal.....and wandering amongst all the grounds....interesting complex

HappyUP!!! - Grape Soda
Why it happened - we searched
Why it makes me happy - I have a sudden childhood drink grape soda.  Glad we found a cold one today.'s a bit tougher than you think!

HappyUP!!! - BBQ Burgers
Why it happened - grill up
Why it makes me happy - a burger on the grill....cheese...all the other stuff you do at home.....ahhhhh


High hand
A test drive
A fair offer
Grape soda
A burger
Slappin fuzzy around
Our nice jog

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