Thursday, August 15, 2013

HappyUP!!! Day 2386

HappyUP!!! - tomato lunch
Why it happened - I'm a grower
Why it makes me happy - THAT was a tremendous bowl of goodness I put together today....with those featured red stars!

HappyUP!!! - DMV
Why it happened - renewal time
Why it makes me happy - people like to bitch about DMV. My rule..IF you want to bitch about anything in life, you better celebrate when that same thing goes well.  My appointment was at 9 a.m....I was out at would have been even faster if an elderly lady before me had not failed her re-exam (was kind of sad for her).  The delay wasn't DMV's fault. about 20 minutes....can I even say there was a delay? Nope!

HappyUP!!! - vision check
Why it happened - license renewal
Why it makes me happy - while I drive with my glasses on, it is great to know that I still see well enough that I don't have the requirement per DMV

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