Sunday, March 25, 2012

HappyUP!!! Day 1889

HappyUP!!! - Fantasy Golf win
Why it happened - I made some good choices
Why it makes me happy - this is my third win of the year.....which should put in good stead to break pretty close to even by year end at's about making a profit

HappyUP!!! - lovely afternoon
Why it happened - who wasn't supposed to be
Why it makes me happy - it allowed me to get a touch of yardwork....and a little practice

HappyUP!!! - Tiger Woods
Why it happened - he may be back
Why it makes me happy - I by no means condone this dude's personal behavior. Quite frankly, it's none of my business. His role model badge definitely took a dumper. I'm glad to see him win's good for golf.....and is making the upcoming Masters Tournament look like it's going to be VERY exciting.

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