Friday, June 23, 2006


(A posting for SundayScribblings

When you say music - you are really saying one!

There is old lore that says there is only one reason that a young man straps a guitar around his neck - and there is probably a bit of truth to that statement. It doesn't matter what the style of guitar is...the Delta Blues of Lowell Fulson, breakneck speed of Eddie Van Halen, Wild Windmill Strumming while Spread Eagle Jumps of Pete Townshend, country magic of Chet Atkins, classical refrains from Andre Segovia.....talented guitar players are cool! That coolness and what it attracts drives many a young man to adorn himself with those 6 pieces of metal hung over a piece of wood.

My motivation to buy a guitar never fell along those lines
- it was about building up the courage to do something that I had been told as a young boy that I had no talent play a musical instrument.

Now, truth be told
- I actually don't have much talent in the musical realm. At times, a tinge of guilt washes over me for owning so many guitars but not really knowing how to make any one of them sing. Funny how we can be our own worst critics.

But I quickly quiet that voice - I strum for my own enjoyment. I tell myself that someday I'll get serious about it...then remind myself that I really don't need to be serious about anything as long as I enjoy it.

There are few things like pressing those hard wires - into that fretboard. The pain that came with developing the calluses on the tips that make playing possible. I have heard stories of good players super gluing the calluses that ripped off back on to their fingers. I have never approached that extreme...nor have I played until my fingers bled. Maybe I'm not serious.

I often thought - wouldn't it be nice to have a few friends over and just strum while we all sung...not worrying about being a choir or a vocal group. Just relaxing and enjoying each other's company. Free from anyone judging us. But, no, no one does that anymore. That is for Andy of Mayberry or some young people dreaming to be a folk group.

Then one day, I was asked
- to start playing for our house church. I said, "no problem." I was just thinking that I was helping out. After doing it for a few times, it dawned on me, "hey, that little thought...that little thing about sitting around and playing and singing.....does that count as a dream that I had? If it does, cross another dream come true off of my list."

Yes, one day I will get serious about playing that guitar.........or not


Kamsin said...

Ha, ha! Boys and guitars, what is that all about! Although as a girl, I'll happily sit and listen to pretty much anyone play guitar, I think mainly cause my Dad used to play to me when I was little! I used to belong to a church where everyone and his dog would sit around on a Sunday playing, or teaching or learning how to play guitar. It was great. It's amazing how much joy can come from some wood, six long bits of metal and two hands! Good luck with your playing!

Ang said...

Anyone who has heard or watched you sing and play will know that you put your whole heart into it. That is what matters most!

And you're not bad for someone who is not serious :)

Mimey said...

Boys and guitars. Tssk. I've played until my callouses bled, and rejoiced at the beautiful music my pain makes. If only we (the female ones) had our fret worship sanctioned the way those boy types do. Tssk.

Anonymous said...

I went through a guitar buying stage -- an absolutely beautiful one, which I sat strumming for all hours -- not having a clue what I was doing but enjoying it all the same.

Sadly, I realised my dream wasn't going to come true seeing that I couldn't even come to terms with holding the guitar properly (even with lessons!) My blue beauty now lives with a new owner, with the brother who got all the music genes.

Your collection looks amazing. And I'm sure your playing is amazing too.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I say play! And play LOUD!
PS - Thanks for singing my banjo song.

Verity said...

I totally hear ya, and I'm a girl! I own two guitars, both of which I play badly...but I'm not giving up!!!