Wednesday, November 29, 2017

HappyUP!!! Day 4245

HappyUP!!! - hidden cash
Why it happened - I do that
Why it makes me happy - I got bailed out BIG TIME today by this little practice. I is so smaht

HappyUP!!! - Lab work
Why it happened -I get them done
Why it makes me happy -another year.....and all is good! Hey, this is never a given and is ALWAYS a cause for celebration

HappyUP!!! - Matt Lauer
Why it happened - he's a baaaaad boy
Why it makes me happy - well, on one hand, I was cool with him on the Today Show. Yet, if he did what he did, this was a justified move. There is a lot of opportunity for people to take advantage of the movement.  This situation though?.....a bit too much smoke...and such swift action taken against a big name......that there can't be a fire underneath.  Ya gotta behave

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