Monday, August 21, 2006


Knee Burns - flippin knee burns!!! I thought, at my advanced age I was done with knee burns.

To be more precise - they're rug burns!!!

Here's your helpful hint of the day - Don't ever put Liquid Bandage on a fresh rug burn!!! Bactine...tolerable. Liquid Bandage....only if you also like the idea of your dentist giving you a root canal sans anasthetic!!!

Unless, of course, you like to scream!!! - which had nothing to do with how I got the rug burn so get those thoughts out of your mind!!!!

I am officially too old to be out playing with those youngsters - my Arena Baseball career is almost over.


Anonymous said...

((which had nothing to do with how I got the rug burn so get those thoughts out of your mind!!!!))


In other news, ouch. Looks pretty raw. :(


Anonymous said...

Waaaaaaaaaaa!!! Waaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!