Saturday, May 20, 2017

HappyUP!!! Day 4052

HappyUP!!! - the A/C unit
Why it happened - it's that time of year
Why it makes me happy - I did a little bit of the maintenance on it. It's working great. Ready for summer

HappyUP!!! - chip in's
Why it happened - skills
Why it makes me happy - chipped in on 11...and on 4....and nearly did it again on 9.  It's weird to chip in twice in one round. Opponents rarely care for one chip in...two ticks them off.....three would have been FABULOUSLY funny

HappyUP!!! - friends
Why it happened - was in good places today
Why it makes me happy - got a $$$$ win with Jimmy G....the $$$$ came out of B's pocket....and a good friend swung by the house later! Nice day

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