Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Grime

It's October - it's way too early in the year to get "the Grime."

Germ Theory Nutstser style - says that germs have a fairly short life span. They also have unlimited choice as to where they want to live out their limited days here on earth. With that being the case...

Why would they want to live in my swamp - when they can live like a king in your palace. Really...if I had my choice of bodies to live in as a germ, I certainly wouldn't pick mine.

This is why, by and large, the Nutster stays relatively healthy - I'll go a year without a cold or, if I do get one, it usually is of the short variety. And....if I get one cold for the season...

It's one cold for the season - that's it!!! No more are allowed.

This is why it was a little concerning as I sat in an all day meeting yesterday - and started to feel "the grime" come in. You know how it is kind of like fog. First, you feel the sinuses start to swell.....then a little pressure on the head...then, soreness which you think is in the throat when you swallow but really is more like where the sinuses's the beginning of that cold.

Nutster has learned not to be Rambo when this hits - I'll cancel appointments and head home on day one of the grime. Yes, it makes me a bit of a wuss but I don't hang on to germs for weeks on end like some people. When germs are up, I go a hurry. 2 pm....still in the bathrobe - I feel a little guilty for laying on the couch all day watching public television. It's gorgeous outside. There is so much that I could be doing......

....but I have chosen to Nurse the Grime - I'm not counting this as a cold until I feel like crud tomorrow. I don't want to get a cold this early in the easy to get a second cold in the season. I don't do colds....or second colds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... worries Nutster( the way...I think a much more pressing issue than the onset of "the grime" is that of speaking of one's self in the third person...)I have seen this "Grime/fog/germ" theory before...99% of the time it is actually an escape from grinding out a workout at the gym...