Monday, February 12, 2018

HappyUP!!! Day 4220

HappyUP!!! - Shawn White 
Why it happened - Olympics
Why it makes me happy - he qualified!!! THAT was not a given

HappyUP!!! - A HANGRY Chloe Kim
Why it happened -she didn't eat?
Why it makes me happy -that girl just RIPPED it today....a class of her own.  Apparently, she was a bit underfed today which contributed to the virtuoso performance. Hmmm...not a lot of good happens when I get HANGRY!

HappyUP!!! - Carolinas
Why it happened - I was hungry (but not HANGRY)
Why it makes me happy - c'mon...C-linas is my JAM!!! I have to refrain from going there too often.... but still go there enough. I have a nice relationship with the taco/enchilada combo purveyor!

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