Wednesday, March 04, 2015

HappyUP!!! Day 3220

HappyUP!!! - workout
Why it happened - rehab
Why it makes me happy - it felt GREAT....when it was over! LOL

HappyUP!!! - anchovies
Why it happened - a pizza
Why it makes me happy - TraderJoes sells a great little buffalo chicken pizza that can stand alone. I LOVE to use it as a "base" pizza.....which means, amongst other things, adding anchovies. Delicious...and good for you!

HappyUP!!! - "It's not the size of the ship.....or the motion in the's whether the captain can keep the ship in port long enough to get all of the passengers off"
Why it happened - women
Why it makes me happy - when I heard this, I damn near coughed up liquid through my nose!

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